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PS Engineering PMA450B Trade-up Program

The PMA450B is the second generation digitally based audio panel that is based upon a DSP (Digital Signal Processor). Licensed patented technology from the United States Air Force that was designed for the fighter pilot, who is inundated with multiple audio signals, is now available to the GA pilots. Another leap forward is PS Engineering’s improved and unique graphical user interface. Using OLED technology, the larger display not only makes viewing the display from any angel, it is larger to make use of the graphics capability of the display.

The new USB – C standard also bring more power to the pilot. This USB is for powering devices up to 15 Watts, 33 % more powerful than was available before.

Since the PMA450B is a slide-in replacement for the GMA340, PMA8000B, PMA8000BT, and PMA450, Avionics Source makes trading-up as simple as 1-2-3.

Avidyne IFD Trade-up Program

Avidyne’s IFD Series of touch screen navigators represent the next generation in flight management systems. Each provides SBAS/LPV precision navigation and are designed to meet the accuracy and integrity requirements for ADS-B as part of the NextGen airspace initiative. As direct replacements for legacy systems, the IFDs each share the same basic functionality in large and compact display formats respectively.

The IFDs are direct replacements for popular Garmin GNS Series Navigators. In most cases, the IFDs can utilize the existing tray and connectors, and are compatible with all the popular interface configurations, which can greatly minimize installation costs.

Upgrade to the Avidyne IFD from your Garmin GNS today. Avionics Source makes trading-up as simple as 1-2-3.